Tuesday 15 December 2009

To-day Is The First Day ...

Today is the first day of the rest of your life', a famous wall poster used to proclaim. Ed was 'hanging out' at the UGC Cafe as had become a habit of late. He was feeling a little bit sorry for himself and thinking he had become a rather sad avatar. He seemed to be spending all of his second life within the 5 London sims, an area of little more than a quarter of a square kilometer. This wasn't what Ed was about, this isn't what Second Life is about. Ed needed to get out more.

Ed selected a location at random from the Showcase menu and TP'd there straight away. It was called Artic Greenhouse and what a lucky and inspiring choice. Ed had never before seen the Aurora, the incredible celestial display of moving streamers and bands of coloured lights, greens, reds, blues and violets. These are caused by particles of the solar winds striking the gravity fields in the Ionosphere high above the Earth. This was the kind of unnatural beauty that Ed knew existed in Second Life, but he had been looking in the wrong place.

The greenhouse at the centre of the sim also contains beauty of a smaller, more exquisite type. It is a retail outlet selling flowers, each one an genuine original work of art. Also available are green plants in pots for both inside and outdoors use. The creator of this wonderful place is SL resident Logan Bauer.

Today had indeed turned out to be the first day of the rest of Ed Follet's life.

1 comment:

  1. Ed, what a beautiful place, I will definitely check it out. And you have such great pictures, too, in this article and the Bon Jovi one. Thanks for letting us know about Arctic Greenhouse and I hope you are not feeling so sad now. I will look forward to reading about all your discoveries.
